Sunday, May 15, 2011

Get Help Now


Jesus help me - Your servant who was redeemed by Your Most Precious Blood. 

In every need let me come to You with humble trust saying --
Jesus help me.

In all my doubts, perplexities and temptations -- Jesus help me.

In the hours of loneliness, weariness and trials -- Jesus help me. 

In the failure of my plans and hopes -- Jesus help me.
In disappointments, troubles and sorrows -- Jesus help me.

When others fail me, and Your grace alone can assist me -- Jesus help me.

When I throw myself on Your tender love as a Father and Saviour -- Jesus help me.

When I feel impatient, and my cross is heavy -- Jesus help me.

When I am ill, and my head and hands cannot do their work -- Jesus help me.

In the good You would have me do;  in the pleasures I seek -- Jesus help me.

In the interest I have in loved ones and friends -- Jesus help me.

Agonizing Jesus, strip me of all intemperance in the use of life's comforts and pleasures.

Always, always, in joys or sorrows; in falls and shortcomings -- Jesus help me, and never forsake me.

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